sasha mander ;]

By sashamander1O

Dinosaur Kitty!

I've had quite an alright day today actually. Spent the last two periods of school (Science and RE) just mucking around. Me, Mae and Camille were just sitting chatting in Science taking a couple of snaps. (All of which have turned out looking absoloute crap, hence why it is not today's blip) Then we headed off to RE in the Learning Reasource Centre (which is infact, a Library) where Me & Rebecca were questioning Pete about his and Natalies sudden break up earlier that day. Was rather funny I must say!

Then when I got home, I sat talking to the Mother and saw the little Stray cat we feed lurking in the kitchen. It looked sweet soo, I took a photograph of it. I'm quite happy with it I must admit :D

Also today, Got an earful from Derbyshire about not doing Science homework (yawn) and my bad throat has seemed to have gone a little. Evertheless, because of it, I didn't get a cheeky kiss from Greg :(

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