Monday: Books In Reverse

I was invited out to lunch today.  The break from the office environment was welcome as it all feels a bit lacking in energy due to the holiday season.

I have often walked past this bookshop where the backs of the shelves face on to the window front.  It's quite a novel (forgive the pun!) idea!  

It's a public holiday tomorrow - hurrah - so I stayed up a bit later watching a movie.  I seem to be on a 'good movie' role because tonight I thoroughly enjoyed 'The Lunchbox', a wonderful Indian film that I can really recommend.  Put it on your list!


I never really got into 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', by Ken Kesey, which I finished reading today.  Somehow I just never really hit my stride.  One of those ones where the film was definitely better - I also don't remember McMurphy being quite so irritating in the film.

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