Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


You all know I love my hummingbirds ... and I love my garden here in NJ... but my heart is where my husband is, and arriving back in NJ today felt a little sad to me. So, when I caught this young hummingbird flicking his tongue out, it felt like exactly the right photo to blip!

It was a really great weekend and I am counting the days until the next trip down (11 more sleeps for those who are keeping count...) And I am really excited about getting the move underway. Just wish the real estate market here in NJ was a bit better so that we could sell our darned house!

The cats were thrilled to see me when I got home this afternoon - well, they're cats, it's not always easy to distinguish between "thrilled" and "bored". But I'm going with thrilled. Stopped at the store and picked up some chicken curry for dinner tonight (nothing like a little spice to cheer a gal up). Spent almost an hour on the phone with the cable/internet company in FL trying to get that set up for our townhome ... no luck yet, but I'm not giving up. At least they were pleasant, even if not terribly helpful.

Thanks for all the comments while I was in FL - I'll try to get caught up over the next few days...

Hope everyone has a good Monday. If you'd like to see four other hummer shots, I've posted them on Flickr, starting HERE



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