my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


I haven't seen a life buoy on here for years. What happens when someone falls in the canal? What should I throw in instead?

I've been rather on edge today. Sam was back at work so it was just me and Dex again. Woke with the horrible feeling that the mastitis is back. Same pain but decided to leave it to keep an eye on. Fortunately it doesn't seem to have developed into anything.
Headed down to the Health visitor drop in to get Dex weighed, purely for want of anything else to do! Turns out the trip was necessary though - Dex is still not putting on weight at the rate that is expected of him. Cue maternal stressing for the rest of the day. What can I do different etc... I'm sure Dex must've picked up on it 'cause he started acting weird too. We shall pull ourselves together and do better tomorrow.
Sam's at the first night back of our bowling league tonight. Feels weird not going with him. We're going to have to take turns I think. Shame. It would be nice to go bowling with him still...

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