Milton St Dairy

This is a typical kiwi corner dairy. Not that there are as many of them now as there were when I was a kid.

A dairy is where you go to buy an ice cream, particularly the ones the guy behind the counter rolls with a scoop and you eat in a cone. I think this one offers 'brown derbys' too, meaning the ice cream is dipped in hot chocolate that sets hard on the ice cream.

Or you can buy an ice cream or ice block on a stick. I don't know much about these (only consuming 1 or 2 a year), but Jelly Tips (vanilla ice cream with a jelly tip and covered in hard chocolate you crunch through as you're eating, Magnums (fancy icecream with various chocolate coatings) and Frujus (frozen fruit juice) spring to mind.

You can also buy milk, cream, the paper, various grocery products, sometimes a few fruit and veges, cigarettes, fizzy drinks and curiously, dog rolls. Dog rolls must be a big seller as 'Buster dog rolls - 2 for $8.50' feature outside every dairy (including this one).

Many dairies have morphed into real estate agents, their presence replaced by supermarkets open long hours and petrol stations expanding their wares beyond petrol and diesel. The dairies that remain mostly continue the tradition of working at the front and living in the back half.

I have a dairy just a few minutes away from me. Perhaps if we manage 4 days of sunny summer days in a row, I'll treat myself an ice cream cone after work tomorrow ;-)

Bit busy catching up around home so comments have to wait.

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