midwife crisis

By lulubelle

summer rolls on

Forecast wasn't good and was wrong. Day got warmer and sunnier. Hubs and I had our usually leisurely Sunday brunch and coffee and then decided to head out on the bikes. 2 differing pieces of technology inform us that we did 33 km or 50km. My thighs and bum tell me 50 - at least! It was put into perspective when in my dizzy post ride exhaustion I flopped onto the sofa to watch the last hour of the Commonwealth road race....now thats commitment to training proper! Fab race, dreadful weather and nail biting end. Glad GT won.
The ride took us along some new lanes and every where there is a sense of summer harvest. This if fairly typical local terrain for the Irish midlands, with a hint of small mountains in the back ground.
Day was too beautiful to stay indoors so I went out for a couple of hours on the ponies with Marro, Anna and Susan in the evening sunshine to Sopwell forest. Home late for a veggie stir fry (the community farm veg is abundant at the moment) and a slightly odd programme about Gengis Khan. And a long hot blissful bath .

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