
By anhedgie20112


I met Deanna at her friend's apartment. We went to a good festival in Brooklyn! I liked it. I tried maple lemonade, a chocolate butter cake, a grilled ham and cheese from a milk place, and a raspberry pecan roll. We ran into Emma Lichtenstein. What. After, we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It felt like Deanna has changed. I'm happy I saw her.

We made dinner with fresh things from a fruit stand on the way home from pine lake. I worked on the salad. No one really liked it though.

Dad decided he wanted to go walking and we went to sunken meadow. I ran the cross country course. I now have a satisfying soreness in my legs.

I finished Americanah.

It seems like Dan and I have space between us. I hope it's just the coming change and busyness.

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