
By kevinG

Wake Up Munchkins

This morning Cody said, "Wake up munchkins," hence the title.

Went back to camp.

Went to line up. Pirate joke.

I skipped breakfast to make up for not skipping lunch yesterday.


Walked to the Glaize with Nick Sedoca. He led me and another kid the wrong way, "thinking it was quicker." Went on a path I had never seen before. Was late to CitNat by 25 minutes when the class walked to me. They were going on a hike and it was perfect timing. I hadn't missed anything. Talked about current events while sitting on a bridge. Beautiful landscape behind us (pictured).


I set up all the tables for lunch because I was there early and I wanted to.

I didn't eat lunch as per usual. I really wanted chicken tenders and mac 'n' cheese but I decided to save up for burgers.

Went to the Glaize to throw tomahawks and throwing knives.

Went to build a Wilderness Survival shelter because I really wanted to do the outpost. Skipped GraphArts. Came up with an awesome skit idea. Got very far with the shelter but decided to finish the rest at the outpost.

Bought a hacky sac at the trading post.

PubSpeak. Hacky sac broke. Listened to speeches.

Left but turned around because I forgot my phone was charging. Bought Taylor a drink at the Trading Post because he turned around with me. Returned the hacky sac for a new one.

Back to the campsite. Donned some pirate atire. Lineup. Pirate Joke. We were supposed to eat outside and play games but it started raining so we went inside.

Games postponed. Outpost postponed.

I had a burger and a sausage for dinner.

We broke the record for the chant, "I am Table Number [Insert]." We got to 100. Watermelon for dessert.

Back to the campsite where I played Risk with Jon, James, Nick, Liam, and Mike. Nick hit the game and the pieces messed up so we stopped.

Had a short bonfire.

Going to bed now.


Today's Random Thoughts:

I want to try to trade something with the Trading Post and see if the name holds true.

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