
By SherriM

African Burial Ground

There is a cemetery close to Oak Ridge, TN that I have been wanting to visit ever since moving to Tennessee. The sign on the road says "African Burial Ground". Looking for something to blip, Matt, Ken and I visited the site on Saturday. (Late blip, I know)

It was an incredibly sad, sobering place. The plot of ground was enclosed by this fence. There were two large marble markers denoting the spot and memorializing those buried here...90-100 souls...slaves from the surrounding Wheat community in the 1800's. No records of any of their names. There were a few small stone markers but no engraving.

One of the commemorative marbleshad this to say, in part, [these] "...lived, worked and died in bondage in the Wheat Community."

And at the bottom:

When I read my title clear
To mansions in the skies
I bid farewell to every fear
and wipe my weeping eyes.
Issac Watts

I hope it's true for each and every one of them

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