Truth is the anti-venom

By taraxlee

First we thought it was a garbage bag...

So this happened this morning!
Woke up to a little pup sleeping beside our car behind our gate this morning! I was able to coax him over to the gate with some lunch meats, while Lukasz got him into our yard and comfortable enough to get a leash on him. He had a red collar and a tag, but the tag only has Chinese type characters on it with an overseas telephone number. We're in a rural area but there are touristy like areas not too far from us. He was healthy and very well behaved and wondered if he was just lost. We sat at the side of the road hoping to his owners may drive by looking for him. We had also walked up and down our rural street to see if it may be our neighbours... But neither were home. A few hours went by and decided that we were going to take him to the vets to see of he was chipped. I went inside to take a shower to get ready and while I was in the shower our neighbour drove by and spotted her pup who was with Lukasz. Turns our she adopted him from Taiwan and just got him yesterday! She went out this morning to run errands, and he got out somehow! They were happily reunited! (:

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