...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles woke up extra early today at Luke an Leah's house because he was "so excited play with the toys" The kids had some breakfast and then had a big sword fight with luke and his dad. I did not get much sleep with my little man hitting me all night. At one point he woke up to tell me to leave because he "needed some space"

We ran some errands before nap and when he woke up dad got his old kiddy pool filled as it's still crazy hot out this week. After Miles and daddy did some more chores together and then played basketball in the playroom.

During dinner I told Mitch that the babies were really moving and Miles said, "are they going to California or on an airplane?" Haha. I explained what I meant and tried to have Miles feel the babies move and kick but he was too loud and busy to keep his hands still enough.

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