Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Grass and trees

It is warm, here, in Moscow, Idaho, where we're staying with friends for a day or two. This means I have internet access, and power, so can download my photos and post a few to Blip.

This morning we went over to view the new house our friends are building on a large plot of land on the edge of Moscow Mountain. It is an ambitious project, and we look forward to seeing the finished article when we next visit.

Over the past couple of weeks we have travelled through Wyoming, hiking in the Wind River Mountains (lots of mosquitoes), and Grand Teton National Park, where there is a lot of snow for this time of year, as in other parts of the Rocky Mountains. We drove though Yellowstone in a day, camping overnight in Mammoth. It was a great opportunity to photograph some of the thermal areas under overcast conditions. It rained hard in the evening, so a great incentive to get pizza in Gardener, rather than cook our own dinner.

When we leave here, we'll be spending some time in Washington State, which we don't know very well. We have been to the Olympic Peninsula previously, but not really anywhere else.

I'll try to post a few images when I can.....

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