The 3 Faces of Eve, er...Betty

I stood out on my back sidewalk, doing that inward lip-smooching noise that you call your dog with. Would the call work with a squirrel?

Yes and no. Betty inched towards me, doing her best impression of a tight-roper in the circus. But...she wouldn't come any closer than about 4-5 feet.

What's up with that? It must of been clear to her that I had peanuts, 'cuz I showed them to her. I also still had on my church clothes, so I looked decent. Couple that with the big smile and soft words I offered. (I might have even cooed.) SO...WHY DOES SHE STILL HOLD BACK?

Maybe it's just as well. From past rodent kind of freaks me out when they put those clawed front feet on my outstretched hand.

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