Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Marshmallow mouth

We've had a good day. I made it to church for the first time since the chicken pox landed. It goes that way sometimes but with all the illness, and birthday parties, we haven't been able to go.
The mini pinks came with me, and to their delight, there was some children's work available for them. They made play dough icecreams.
After the service, we met Mr Pink and Peppa in the church yard, and walked home via a slight detour for Peppa purposes!
We had a very scrummy barbecue lunch, released three butterflies who had emerged from their Chrysalis while we were out, and played and enjoyed the sunshine.
Peppa had a play with her buddy, Murphy, and Hammy the hamster popped by, he'd like to stay for a fortnight. Our animal hotel is fully booked again!!!!

Miss Pink is pictured eating her toasted marshmallows after the barbecue.

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