Auction Day
These men are displaying a set of 8 botanical prints at the auction of a local antique and junk store in our village. The last one here.
The frames alone would be worth a lot... beautiful gilded wood. And the prints are in perfect condition with no water spots, etc. They sold as a complete set valued at $285. The lucky bidder got them for $85.
I love how these fellows look holding these fine frames. Sort of like farmers ... which they might be. The man on the far left uses a air pump and is in his 80's. Funny man.
I promised that I was not buying anything there except hot coffee. But when they help up a beautiful glass cake platter I had to bid $1. The woman next to me had just bid $1 for her choice of the glass item on a large cardboard box/tray. So, when the box came around to ve I choice the beautiful very large cake plate or platter. Surprise! I won the entire box of fine glass plate and platters. This is much more than I want ... many of them are etched with nature designs.
Anyone want a perfect condition glass plate? All sizes from medium to quite large?
Perhaps I will have to learn how to use ebay?
There is so mush stuff (junk and antiques) in this huge old place that this was the second Saturday auction. They say there is an unknown number to be held in the future. The man recently died who made a business out of hoarding.e
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