Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Flower Present

Late start today after staying up to watch the games last night.
Spent the morning tidying up the study and all the DIY stuff that is in the cupboards there. Managed to find space to store all my camera kit and bike stuff as well. Looks much better now.
J took her parents up town to the Royal Mile for a look at the festival while I went out for a run. Only managed half the distance I was planning so not good. Still it was 7K in 37 mins.
Gammon for tea tonight with left over apple pie, mmmm. Going to be watching the closing ceremony so might not make the gym in the morning. Need to get some hours in the bank at work as well.
Most of the jobs have been finished thanks to J's dad, Screwfix and B&Q.
These are the flowers J received yesterday, as I need a blip for tonight. Nice surprise when they arrived.

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