As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM


So you know what it's like chaps - it's the wife's birthday and if I don't get her flowers etc. then I'm in deep 'stuff' for the rest of the year.

So I get kitted out and do the 100 mile trek to the nearest outpost - it's jolly chilly out there you know but I love the Mrs so I do what I have to do.

Trouble is this is a strange neck of the woods - temperatures remain chilly but constant for much of the year but every and then woosh - they plummet and you'd best not be sat on the bog when that happens as you're not going to be getting up for a few weeks I can tell you.

Anyway, I figured I'd take the shortcut - you know, the one through the dinky little waterfall (I told you the climate around here was a bit odd). Damned if one of those freaky plummets didn't happen just as I was emerging so here I am - patiently waiting for the love of my life to wonder where I've got to and come out looking for me.................... I just hope she's not having one of her stroppy mare days - if she is then it's going to be a long night............

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