The smoking process

Infinitely more pleasurable than the process of house repairs.

I'm a bit tired or more likely a little shattered. Home will likely come right - sooner I hope rather than later. As usual part of today was taken up with home.

It seems an age ago now but I did catch some fish before I shifted out for quake repairs. A brown and a rainbow trout in the freezer for later smoking, and today was the day.

It is a process I love, the preparation, curing and lastly smoking the fish. There is an art and a science to it, technical and creative, a pleasurable process that takes a bit of time but it's worth the effort.

In case you haven't figured it out, the top shot is cured trout (brown top, rainbow underneath) ready to smoke. And a short time later, freshly smoked trout :-)

My process? If told you then I've have to shoot you ;-)

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