Queen of the Termite Mound
They have this thing called King of the Mountain.
Well, I'm a girl.
And all I have is a termite mound in the park. So.... I'm Queen of the Termite Mound.
We went for a really lovely walk in the Park today. The special walk, where we have to climb over a gate to get in and THEY are getting quite adept at doing that. Then they pass me over so I don't have to do any climbing.
Boy, there was a lot of water around, but we didn't go to the water fall on account of it was all slippery slimy.
So all I did was sit on top of this termite mound while SHE held me and HE took the photo. Then we all walked back again, but SHE kept stopping and taking pictures of these teeny tiny little things in the grass that were of no interest to anyone at all except HER.
Then we did some more gardening.
Then I had to have a nap.
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