
By CharlotteJ

Firework Championships

For the last two years we have gone to see Firework Championship competition and also celebrated my besties birthday! This year was no different. We had a lovely evening eating shared food, a few drinks and then sat back and watched four amazing firework displays and all for £18 per person.
The fireworks are outstanding and a lot of money must be spent to put on nearly 40mins worth of fireworks.

I think the birthday girl had a bit too much to drink, we got back to hers and she disappeared…her hubby found her curled up on her bed sound asleep and it wasn’t even midnight! We had a quick cuppa and headed home. No hangovers in this house tonight! It’s now 01:17, going to jump in the shower and then head to bed.

Night night all or should that be Good Morning?

PS I didnt take my camera kit tonight as the weather looked unsettled and I didnt want it to get wet, I think my little point and shoot did a good job!

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