Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Sick Day

Well today has been a bit of a rubbish day. I spent all night 'talking to God on the big white telephone' and all day feeling rubbish - not even been showered or dressed. Yuck.
Its amazing how many bugs and colds etc we have picked up since we started taking Kerr to all the various baby groups. I can't remember being this sick since I was a child (apart from maybe a couple of extremely bad hangovers!).

The highlight of today was that Kerr laughed at Fudge for the very first time. Over the past few weeks he has been noticing Fudge more and following him around the room with his eyes. However, today Fudge picked up kerrsdaddy's shoe in an attempt to get out for a walk, and Kerr properly giggled at him - it was very cute! It also worked - kerrsdaddy then stopped his work for an hour or so and took both Fudge and Kerr for a walk to the village to buy me some requested Haribo sweets and lemonade. Have managed a glass of lemonade but still not brave enough to attempt any food!

This blip shows Fudge holding said shoe in mouth. Didn't manage to get one of Kerr laughing at him - it was difficult enough getting Fudge to keep holding it. Kerr looks like a bit of a ragamuffin here - one sock off and top half way up his belly.

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