One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Early Riser

I only saw chandler63's August challenge after I had taken this, but I can stretch it to fit the Foody Friday theme.

Despite what some people think it appears that you can cook and eat Canada Geese. Though it does seem a lot of effort, but in these days of pre-packed meat, preparing any meat that involves more than picking something out of a supermarket fridge seems to be a lot of effort.

This one seems to be a bit of an early riser compared to the others (the Canada Geese in Chiswick Park seem to have had a successful breeding season with most pairs now walking around with 4 or 5 young that have grown to be as big as the parents). I did take another shot just after this but the one awake goose seems to have decided it was too early and gone back to sleep.

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