
By Isabel

Enjoying Naples...

"It is a land of swamps, of quagmires, of frogs and alligators and mosquitos. A man, sir, would not immigrate into Florida. no, sir! no man would immigrate into Florida - not from Hell itself!"
Senator John Randolph 1773 - 1833

It has got a lot better since then! ES and I visited the Collier County Museum this morning, which was really interesting and gave you a very good idea of just how appalling the conditions must have been for the first people who settled there. The Museum had a lot of really interesting old photos and information about the history of Naples and the surrounding countryside, right out to the Everglades and Chokaloskee.

Took a trip on the little water taxi that visits various strategic points around the bay. Later on, we went to Tin City and had a lovely meal at the Riverwalk...the fried shrimp, rice and beans were delicious!

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