Creative Live Experimentation
I normally keep track of where I am in relation to Blip Anniversaries, but yesterday's four year mark caught me totally off guard. I truly appreciate all the views and comments, plus a few new subscriptions and a time on the Spotlight page. Who could ask for more!
In my effort to live up to all the kind comments, I have been watching my favorite photography inspiration website, www.creative The last couple of days Jack Davis has been teaching a course on Wow Photography! and today's session was on motion blur. After six hours of samples and discussion, I was itching to try my hand at this technique. His most important tip is to "just try stuff", so I shot a bunch of photos of tonight's volleyball match with different settings. Many were too abstract for my taste (though they looked much like what I had seen all day), but my favorite was this one because of the layers of blur - the mostly sharp background, the somewhat blurry players and the unrecognizable young fan running past the court.
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