
By cowgirl


Breakfast at Pickleberry today and I could no longer resist these sweet clothes hooks for Mary and Alex. Two for their house, two for ours.

We still haven't signed the house documents, but plan to do them tomorrow, although we still haven't received the corrected mortgage offer from the bank yet. Honestly, let's hope it's 3rd time lucky and all the details with be correct this time.

I managed to contact my two closest friends on the kibbutz last night. Both have fled to safer areas more northerly, so I feel happier knowing that they are safe. We can only pray that this madness will end soon.

Maybe because I'd made contact or maybe because after a good cry, I had a good glass of wine, but I finally slept a whole night and feel much better today. I even feel up to blipping, so better get on with catching up on what I've missed this week.

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