Oh what a day I had.

Because of the expired passport and ID I could not sleep all night, constantly checking the time. I was up early and on the route to Polish Consulate in Great Portland Street this morning. Surprisingly the commute went smoothly at wee hours and by the time I got there it was 7.30 already. I realised I had plenty of time before they opened so had nice breakfast in nearby cafe and sipped on peppermint tea. I really liked the rush hour and watching all of those passers by going somewhere and having different worries of their own.

I felt really lonely as well as I really missed my mum and just wanted to cuddle her.

I got first in line and as soon as they opened Consulate door I just realised I had to fight for my temporary passport as I wanted to cuddle my mum soon.
I was so really lucky, got to speak to the Consul himself on the phone, he was very polite but grilled me as well and got tell off (typical Polish way - who is the boss here) but in the end he got so much sympathy for me he allowed me to have it. Bless his cotton socks I say.

I had so much luck, not only after 2 hrs of waiting I had my document + another one for 10yrs ordered and be picked up on 5/9 :P

Still shocked by the whole situation I went to work for another busy period of time, as today was the first day of purchasing and creating call off orders for our services and repairs that are budgeted for this financial year. I had so much to do I literally left the building last at 6.30pm!! On my last day of work before 3wks holidays!!

Anyhow I'm home now, fed and relaxed, kids bathed, annual leave finally commenced :O



ps. BBC Building Broadcasting house just happens to be very close to the Consulate I visited this morning and I particularly liked this glassed entry.

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