Cheerful guys!!

A very busy day!! In Lincolnshire by 9.30 am and then on to Lincoln City with Rona to see her new school which opens on the 1st September. It is a temporary base for a year until the permanent school is ready. Both schools are in grade 2 listed building which make things tricky!!

The first school has been handed over and the technical fittings are going in. It feels huge and the new pupils will be rattling around initially.

We had a guided tour of the permanent school by one of the site management team, a very helpful young man!! We were kitted out in wellies, high viz vests, hard hat and gloves, all a bit on the big side and not very flattering, but very important as it is a building site!!

I took some photographs of the old features of the building and on the way past these two charmers asked if I would take their picture. I obliged …..of course!!!

Q & B are home for dinner, plenty of chat to catch up on all the news.

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