Mind your head

Great day today, Bamburgh Castle, Dunstanburgh Castle, super seafood supper, Mizen Hotel, ending the day at Lindisfarne.

Dunstanburgh Castle was built as a snub to the higher authorities. Built to impress, to show off, to make a statement of intent. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, cousin to King Edward II, was known as arrogant and unpopular. He built this castle in the eyeline of Bamburgh Castle and with the aim of impressing all who approached. He reckoned he was more than a match for anyone.

He visited his sign of ambition only once, led a rebellion against the king, lost, ran for cover was captured and beheaded. King Edward took over his Castle.

So I'm thinking .... Choose your battles, keep your feet on the ground, build a kingdom not a castle, mind your head.

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