If You Could See Me Now



It's apple, well it was apple... until I ate it ;)

Had weird dreams last night, about people dying and weird stuff, and woke up with my head on a teddy bear, using it as a pillow...

I have no idea.

It was weird as.

Went to the art centre, saw some incredibly awsome people whilst I was people watching. I love people. They inspire me.

Backblip for yesterday.

Saw NINE - i;m not sure if I liked it or not, but some of the songs were cool! Saw a preview for Valentines Day - which I AM going to see, and also R Pattz new film Remember Me - or something, i can't remember the title, ironic, which looks AMAZING!

I'm teaching my cat tricks. Well one, where she puts her paw out to touch mine :) :) :)

She's an awsome cat!!!

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