Da Paet Stack

A fine sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon and evening.

Meant to be a day off work today but ended up working down at the Croft House Museum. A fine sunny day for it but with two cruise liners in, I had a fairly busy day but had a little helper in the afternoon when my mam dropped off a niece.
A quiet night at home, a few walkies with Sammy dog and then going to settle down with a film :)

A busy day with visitors but also a busy day building the peat stack. These peats are machine cut and not as good to build the stack as traditional hand cut ones. True what they say, the heat in peat doesn't come from the fire, it's in the working of peat :) I'll wait to here back from the lasses who work at the Croft House and see what they say about my machine cut peat stack :) Taken at the Croft House Museum, South Voe, Dunrossness.

P.s. in Shetland we don't say peat, we spell it paet but not sure how to phonetically spell it :)

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