Fairy Glen
"Why are you looking so grumpy Bud"
"I'm not, I'm just wet and she's taking too long"
"Come on Bud, it's just that good Scottish Summer weather, and don't forget the treat"
"That's true Poppy, what is on the menu today, is it tuna fudge?"
"Cheese and Toast?"
"Marmite Toasties?"
"It's not Peanut Butter Oaties is it Poppy, please say it's Peanut Butter Oaties"
"Yes Bud, Peanut Butter Oaties, I smelt them cooking."
"I'm feeling much better now Poppy, she can take as long as she likes, they're my favourites"
True to his word Bud did cheer up after his biscuit and soon forgot how wet he was after a good swim in the pool!
The bridge they are standing on is brilliant, it was built in 2009 by the 75th Royal Engineering Regiment, and looks as though it will last a good long time.
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