
Hubster & I took the doggies for a two hour walk along the Kilbrannen shore. Weather varied but stayed dry, dogs now zonked!
Still getting used to just the two of us being here plus the fact that I am technically on holiday so why do I feel guilty about wanting to sit down & read a book during the day! I have worked most of my lief yet I still think I should only read in my bed! Why are we conditioned to think like that! I'm not understanding how some folks function that have never worked a day in their lives! I didn't have paid employment for the first 10 years as I was busy bringing up kids but when they were old enough I went back to paid work & haven't hardly stopped since, yet I took the decision last year to slow down & now I find myself doing supply work. Mind you with no paid work comes no money so I see why I am doing it! Mind you most of the money we have ever earned has ton towards bringing up a family & even though they are grown up, we are still forking out! I feel like a bloody hamster!

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