Paddling in the sea at Portobello

Got the bus early(ish) to Portobello and bought a ball and a bucket to go with my spade. It was very sunny at home and fortunately the haar lifted fairly soon at the beach. I stripped off as soon as we arrived and by the time F and baby B arrived, had paddled, dug holes and played ball, as well as tidying the beach. We played and paddled some more, and ate our lunch, then scooted along the prom and ended up in the Beach House, where we waited 2 hours (approx) for a table (there were several free so I sat at one and drank milk from the jug eventually, but they didn't like that), had an ice cream and changed nappies, then headed to the playpark, where we played while Mummy had a swim, then F and B went home, and eventually so did we.

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