Fully loaded
Today ive been working on the big order of timber so enjoying the sun again in the yard.
This shot shows one of our lorries loaded up to take 5 of the packs to the treatment tank this is only part of the order as there is still a further 7 packs to be done and get over to Nottingham for treating . the whole order is worth just over 11 000 pounds so a very nice order but it does require quite a bit of work done for it . After this shot the load was fully strapped down to make it safe for transporting but i found this shot more effective.
In other news i made an appointment to go to the dentist which was meant to be this afternoon I got a reminder this morning for my appointment but they had put it down wrong and it is now tomorrow afternoon , so a painful day awaits for a filling that i should have got done 2 months ago :(
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