
By portobelloman

Treasure on my doorstep

What to do with a rare weekend when Portygirl and I are both off.So it was a £3 day ticket to the bridges in the big bus, and a rare visit to the Royal museum of Scotland (why do we not do this more often) where every single inch is fabulous (did I mention free also??), and a very excited member of staff directed us to the Stirlingshire Gold (100 bc or some such date) where it was dug up by a metal detector chap to great acclaim recently and one up for the much maligned anorak brigade (more power to you guys and gals), and then it was a very nice lunch at the Tower restaurent on the roof of this terrific building.
Tomorrow we might go and see the Turner watercolours only brought out in January to preserve them against the light, it's a sair fecht.

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