Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

We help Mamma

Caught these two emptying the wet washing out of the machine.
I'll be glad when we finally get the cupboard door on might take them a bit longer to get in!

Having major nap issues with the boys of late.
It's slowly breaking me.
We only seem to need one nap now but it needs to be a long one but they won't do more than 30/40 minutes at a time. We had half hour had lunch got very grumpy having lunch. Tries to get them to sleep in cots but after 30 mins of constant crying I gave in and have rocked them to sleep in the buggy

They just won't go to sleep on their own in the day, no matter what I do.
They won't even go to sleep on me or on the duvet (on floor).
Night time they aren't too bad they'll go down asleep or almost asleep and tend to put themselves back off if they wake in the night or just need a quick cuddle or pat.

I'm so worn out and dis heartened at the moment.
I'm hoping I get two happier boys after their nap

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