
By conventgirl

A bit of nostalgia

There was a day when these were hi -tech. But even back in the day I remember thinking that they were less durable than records had been. How many hours did we spend sticking a pencil through the hole to rewind them when they got stuck. how many hours trying to sellotape the ends together when they broke and (in desperation) how many hours trying to unscrew those tiny screws to try to feed the tape through properly. They were doomed to failure. Their only redemption was the ability to record your friends records!
Until recently I still had a cassette player in the car but now that has gone. I still have over 200 cassettes, some of which haven't seen the light of day for over 20 years. Tonight I am putting that right. The first one I played was Quincy Jones (I cant read the tile because it has faded) and now I am on Hollywood Nights by Bob Seger. I know I recorded Bob in 1983 and Quincy was 1984.

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