
By hannahstar

Dressing Up!

Today was good. Went to Reading Museum with Elsa and Surayya in the morning. (The photo above features Surayya and I dressing up in roman bathing robes!) Then we met Grace and got the bus to Woodley. Met Anna and Sigi in Bosco Lounge and had lunch. I had a falafel burger with grilled haloumi - very yummy!
Then we went and sat in the park for quite a while as it was really sunny, went to a few shops and then came home.
Didn't get back until half 5!

This evening we played Carcassonne and have just been relaxing as we're quite tired and have another day out tomorrow with Surayya and her dad.

I have now been home for a week.... mixed feelings... it's nice to be with my family and see my friends and have a wider range of food (!!) but I still miss Indonesia and everyone there!

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