
By Chook

Noir Sunrise Two (Two)

Busier night last night.
Transferred a sick baby out.
ED chaos, so I lent a hand.
Trampoline-related injuries galore.
Seems summer is the time for late-night trampolining.

In a quieter moment, I was playing with a baby in the nursery who was sat on the lap of a nurse who had just fed him.
"Isn't he cute?" I said, leaning forward towards him.
Comment promptly met by a projectile vomit straight into my face.
Significantly less cute.
Comic timing perfect.

Struggling to stay awake, I stepped outside just before seven for a couple of minutes of cool breeze, a soda water and a curly wurly. Enough fuel to make it through the rest of the night and home.

I have a cold.

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