Manky Mallards

I didn't even try to identify any of these, other than placing the white duck as a domestic slumming it with her wild cousins. Let me quote duck guru Charlie Moores:

One day we’re happily identifying our local wildfowl, when all of a sudden we’re confronted with an alarmingly-coloured oddity that looks vaguely familiar but – despite the nagging doubts that your more rational self insists on sending – still sets those adrenalin-fuelled ‘RARITY’ alarm-bells a-ringing. On almost every occasion though the nagging doubts were right and your new life-bird will (sadly) turn out to be some sort of Mallard with its genetic make-up so mixed that it would take a team of nimble-fingered scientists months to make sense of it.

So here are three 'manky' mallards as Charlie called them out on a swim with a pure white domestic friend.

[Dove Stone Reservoir, Greenfield, Greater Manchester]

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