at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Ivy will eat a whole bannana given half a chance. She's actually featured on both my blip blog and Pop's doing just this before.

She's been in a shouty and a standy mood today. Euan has been doing what can only be described as 'puppet master hands' to encourage her to stand. She actually took one very wobbly step towards me- but then got too excited and started bouncing about instead.

Went to the allotment in the afternoon to finally deal with the rampaging tomato plants. They have now been tamed back to one stalk each- which involved 3 trugs of butchered foliage and more than a KG of green tomatoes that had to be removed and will be turned into chutney tonight. I messed up once and cut the wrong stalk and took every single tomato off one plant- so I hope it's good chuteney to make up for it.

Dinner was amazing tonight- we have a bit of a glut of courgettes (yay! for sucessful vegetable growing) so made them into fritters with mint and mangetout- Euan tempura battered some courgette (and squash) flowers that were AMAZING. He got a bit over excited by battering and (no word of a lie) shouted out "What else have we got I can batter? I'll check the fridge!". Battered sundried tomatoes, grapes, strawberries are lovely- but were topped (in my opinion) by battered babybell....

We made Ivy frozen natural yoghurt mixed with cooked bannana and cinamon- it was amazing. We're going to claim that frozen yoghurt and icecream are the exact same thing.

Ivy's new thing whilst eating is to use my hand as a table- she gives me food to hold to come back to later. She is very good at using her parents as tools.

You may notice in recent blips Ivy has just been in her tights- this is because trousers never fit her right- she's too skinny and has a big nappy and she's now taken to pulling them off when they get in her way. I am working on making her some stretchy leggings that fit her just right- but we've got bogged down with furniture moving recently. Ordered a copy of Ottobre sewing magazine, which is finnish children's patterns and includes a pattern for making toddler Chef white's that Euan is very excited about- other children wear aprons to bake, Ivy will put her whites on...

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