On the Way to Paradise

We got up early to be at the airport by 7 am for our flight to Hawaii. It was a very long day leaving Pennsylvania at 9 am EST and arriving on Kauai at around 4:30 pm Hawaii time, which is 10:30 pm at home.

After collecting the rental car we set out for the vacation condo where we will be spending the next week. The drive there was about 40 minutes which we enjoyed. We had been to Kauai exactly 10 years ago so it was fun to recognize things along the way.

We made it there in no time and got checked in. The resort is just beautiful as is our condo.

By this time we were pretty much wiped out so didn’t do too much after that and it was an early to bed night. An 12+ hour airplane trip (not including a layover in Honolulu) will do that to you!

Backblipped July 29, 2014. So if my memory is faulty, please forgive.

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