
Not a great blip, but undoubtedly this is going to be a good book! It just arrived in our postbox this afternoon! Written by a friend who founded and headed up 24-7 Ibiza (who we work for) for many years. I'm excited to read it!!

It's been a very home-based day. I've done literally hours of Spanish! Danny took Asha out to the swings to give me space, but was back within 15 minutes with Asha having taken a very dramatic tumble from the highest point of the swing! She decided to let go for some unknown reason! She's fine, but covered in scrapes, poor thing!

Things I'm grateful for today are,
1) a wonderful husband who invests in little acts of kindness all the time, ie, bringing me coffee in bed.
2) a work schedule that allows flexibility - Danny, Asha and I played together this morning which was lovely...and nice that work things can be moved to the evening to allow for things like that!
3) this 'Gatecrashing' book arriving - I am SO looking forward to reading it!!

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