Near Aberfeldy

Aghhhh! Spent ages composing my journal for today, only for a message to come up saying "Sorry, an error has occurred. Please start again". How frustrating!

The request for today from daughter and son-in-law was for waterfalls and mountain scenery, so after a delicious lunch at Gloagburn Farm Shop, we headed for Buchanty Spout near Crieff. Not as much water in the River Almond as there was when we saw the salmon leaping there, but still a very pretty location and easy to reach.

Then it was on through the Sma' Glen (plenty of mountain scenery!) towards Aberfeldy. This is the view as we drove down the steep road towards the town, with nowhere safe to stop to take photos, so a quick shot through the partially opened car window had to suffice. Plenty of mountain scenery here, so lots of Brownie points!

After a wander round the town and a refreshment stop at The Watermill for delicious coffee and cakes, we drove back up the hill and on towards Dunkeld. However, we stopped just before that to visit the falls at Rumbling Bridge. Again, not much water in the River Braan, so very little rumbling, but it is such a beautiful location that it didn't matter at all. We were amazed to see a family with young children leaping from the higher rocks into deep pools, which we hadn't even realised were there. No wrapping these kids in cotton wool:-)

Rather weary when we got home, so the planned barbecue didn't happen and a quick supper was the preferred option, but we all enjoyed another glorious day among amazing scenery. We've been so lucky with the weather after that initial downpour:-)

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