Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Playing with Daddy

All ready for bed and having a fun time playing with Daddy before milk. K gets all excited around 6pm for the last hour before going to bed, and throws his arms and legs around in a frenzy. Its usually at this time that he giggles too, which is a great source of amusement for hubby and me.

We woke up to a light covering of snow this morning, which is still there tonight - I though we had seen the last of this weather, it seems not!

Took K to the docs this morning as he has a cough, which sounded a bit moist this morning, so thought we should get it checked out. Doc said it is just viral and his chest sounded clear, so nothing to worry about.

Went to baby group today and caught up with all the babies and mums. K had sweet potato at lunch which went down a treat and he took a little water from a cup for the very first time today too.
In the afternoon we walked Fudge then dropped into a friend's for a cuppa and cake and a good old natter. Cant believe it's the weekend again - this week has flown by!

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