Waldorf and Statler

Waldorf...is that the blipfoto crowd again Statler
Statler..it sure is Waldorf
Waldorf..and who took that Statler
Statler....some hippie type..raheny_eye i think they call him
Waldorf...and what does he do Statler
Statler..hangs out in gents restrooms writing poetry about free love
Waldorf..flower power stuff like the commies used to do
Statler..that's it Waldorf
Waldorf..didn't ronnie reagan get rid of them
Statler...sure did Waldorf
Waldorf....bring back ronnie..is raheny_eye talking about crapping here Statler
Statler...say no more Waldorf..then he's rushing back to the bar to his commie buddies
Waldof...can we get rid of him too Statler
Statler..we are working on it Waldorf

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