
By pixelatedpete

the owl and the pussycat

we were just settling in for the evening, having come to the end of our friday treat - a take away curry, when there came a knock at the door. it was the neighbour. he'd lost his cat and was it in our garden? we looked, but it wasn't. now. i'm no big fan of cats and the thought that one might've gone astray on a beautiful moonlit night like this did not come as a surprise. but i am a big fan of our neighbour and he was clearly worried, so we took up torches and donned scarves and headed out into the cold.

we didn't find the cat, but we didn't find any bits either, so i'm confident he is fine and simply enjoying the full moon. i know i did as i wondered about the village. it is a very beautiful night.

this is a simple shot out the back window - i've taken the same view with different results before - mostly because i just wanted to capture the night and i know that my camera would not have managed to take a good picture of the moon.

[that said, i wished i had my camera about 5pm as i walked into town, because the moon whisked past some low clouds and it would've been a great shot... oh well! :-)]

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