trocafish photography

By troca

Close enough

The moon is at its closest it can get to the earth.
And I cannot sleep very well in full moon, thankfully it´s the weekend.

Perhaps I´ll take some more pictures of the shining disc.

-17 degrees and sinking...cold again....

Today´s soundtrack: From the late 1700's: Carl Michael Bellmans "Märk Hur Vår Skugga" interpreted by ThåströmMärk hur vår skugga /Note how our shadow

Note How Our Shadow Mikael Bellman

Note how our shadow, note Movitz mon frére
Within a darkness itself closes
How gold and purple in the shovel, that one
Changes into gravel and rags
Waves Charon from his murmuring river
And three times then the grave-digger himself
More you your grape won't squish
Therefore Movitz come help me and arch
Tombstone over our sister

The little-bell tolls to the big-bell's boom
Leafed stand the cantor at the gate
And at the bawling boys' prayer
Hallowing this place
Up to the temple's grave-adorned town
Strides between roses yellowing leafs
Molting planks and litters
Until the long and black dressed line
Deeply bows itself in tears

So went to rest from fight and from ball
Quarreler Löfberg your spouse
There, where to the grass long-necked and thin
You still glare back
She from Dantobommen* separated today
And with her all frolicsome times
Whom shall now the bottle befall
Thirsty was she, and thirsty am I
We are thirsty all

* (Dantobommen was a pub in Tanto, Stockholm, which was situated next to one of the many tolls one had to pass to enter the city.)

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