The Magnificent Rhone Glacier

Large glacier view here.... where "our" local river originates from, 200km away from where we live. We stopped at the head of the Furka Pass on our way to the region of Engadine and the wonderful town of Zuoz, where Swisspiper and Malcolmseye are moving house tomorrow! They are moving to a blippers' paradise, but it took us 10 hours to get here (allowing for several blip stops on the way), over 3 mountain passes. It is good to be off in the camper van for a short while. It always feels like the freedom of holidays once we set off. However we are here to help someone who broke his hand and can't lift boxes!

If you are interested in glacial retreat, you can see a lake at the snout of the glacier which was not there when we were last here 10 years ago!

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