
It may be rusty
But it serves its owner well;
Good old-fashioned tool.

Of course if you're not careful with a saw you could end up sore...which is why I leave well alone! I've already come a cropper this evening cutting Stella's epilepsy tablets in things are not my friends.

Speaking of whom her poorly paw isn't looking as sore or raw today thank goodness so I shan't be seeking yet more veterinary advice :)

And, speaking of sharp things, my lovely sis-in-law hacked a few inches off my hair after work...I get too dizzy to go through the salon routine and sometimes get the wobbles just sitting to have it done but it was getting so long and unmanageable (and the hot weather hasn't helped). It feels so much better but, alas, most of the lovely colour is draining from it too :(

In other news, I stumbled across yet another migraine cure this morning...wont work for my dizzies but may be an option on just severe headache days...brain freeze! Not medically advised or proven but an American migraineur has found that the 60 seconds or of hideousness following an icy drink means the migraine headache subsides for the rest of the day! Slush puppy anyone? ;)

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